
Digital Communication | News | 04/02/2022

The benefit of creative storytelling in electricity & gas data

The benefit of creative storytelling in electricity & gas data

Once again Hypertech is in a great position to announce our newest collaboration with ACER (European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators). 

Based in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and fully operational since 2011, the Agency is central to the liberalisation of the EU's electricity and natural gas markets. Specifically, the Agency plays a central role in the development of EU-wide network and market rules intending to enhance competition and coordinates regional and cross-regional initiatives, which favour market integration. It monitors the work of European networks of transmission system operators (ENTSOs), and notably, the preparation and implementation of their EU-wide network development plans. Finally, the Agency monitors the functioning of gas and electricity markets in general and wholesale energy trading in particular. 

Its mission is to foster a fully integrated and well-functioning Internal Energy Market, where electricity and gas are traded and supplied according to the highest integrity and transparency standards, and EU consumers benefit from a wider choice, fair prices, and greater protection.

Our contribution to the project


The Agency provides information on different aspects of the EU energy markets through several channels and therefore our role in this journey will be to provide infographics and data visualisation services that will guarantee a clear and efficient way to present its work, benefits, and story. 

As our data-driven culture aims to propagate information, addressing both aesthetics and functionality to go hand in hand and intuitively communicate key messages, we will reinforce the Agency’s communications and the dissemination of complex information in a modern, approachable, and explanatory way for all.  

This means that through our creative storytelling perspective we will offer easy-to-understand data and information about the electricity and gas industry to all the people and stakeholders, both from Europe and around the globe, to take advantage of and act accordingly. 

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