
Digital Communication | Research and Innovation | News | 17/01/2022

Smart Subs: Something that small, making all the difference!

Smart Subs: Something that small, making all the difference!

Wonderful times we’re living in where technology is our main tool to make an actual difference in people’s lives. Building the way for the elimination of social exclusion and the further spread of our cultural heritage to all the people, HYPERTECH is proud to present and be part of the Smart Subs project.


It is a partnership of the Foundation of the Hellenic World (FHW) and the National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”. The project was launched in October 2021 and is funded by the Greek National General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (GSRI) with a two-year horizon of delivery.

Smart wearable glasses

To put it simply, it’s a subtitling app "smart wearable glasses" for watching live performances for the ones who are deaf or have hearing problems, and of course the elderly.

The project aims to develop and improve the existing know-how, technology, and applications of language recognition and sentence tagging as well as to develop and promote research to synchronize live oral performances (sound) and written subtitles to develop our application.

The result will be an innovative way of providing subtitles in live performances that presents an uninterrupted viewing of the performance and enhances the viewer's experience compared to hitherto solutions. Subtitles will be displayed on our smart glasses in theatrical performances and generally in various live cultural activities.

Culture for all The great news is cultural content will become accessible to people with hearing problems through Greek subtitles to minimize social exclusion. Gradually, cultural content will also be made accessible to foreign-language audiences through subtitles in different languages at the same time, thus contributing to the promotion of the cultural heritage and the further development of the touristic product.  The application will be used with the same technical requirements in different locations (outdoor and indoor theaters, dome theaters, etc.) providing the same quality and overall experience.

Culture for all

The great news is cultural content will become accessible to people with hearing problems through Greek subtitles to minimize social exclusion. Gradually, cultural content will also be made accessible to foreign-language audiences through subtitles in different languages at the same time, thus contributing to the promotion of the cultural heritage and the further development of the touristic product.

The application will be used with the same technical requirements in different locations (outdoor and indoor theaters, dome theaters, etc.) providing the same quality and overall experience.

Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call “Research - Create - Innovate” (1180/356/A2/10.03.2017) with a project name "Smart Subs: subtitling app for watching live performances" (project code: T2EDK-01359/ MIS: 5134523)

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