Technical consultancy and Capacity building

Technical consultancy and Capacity building

for MoMA


DG REFORM (Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support of the European Commission)

DG REFORM (Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support of the European Commission)


MοMA (Ministry of Migration and Asylum - GR)

About the client

DG REFORM provides support for the preparation and implementation of growth-enhancing administrative and structural reforms by mobilizing EU funds and technical expertise. The Ministry of Migration and Asylum (MοMA), which is responsible for the efficient registration and monitoring of legal and illegal migrants that are entering the Greek territory, as well as for the implementation of all legal procedures for the handling of Asylum seekers, requested relevant support from the European Commission.


Technical consultancy, GAP analysis of Integrated Management Systems (IMS), and Procurement capacity building on repetitive purchasing systems.

About the deliverable

It’s a study that maps the existing IMS of seven Ministry’s directorates, in terms of interconnectivity and automation of business processes, and interoperability requirements with third systems. The goal was to provide a GAP analysis of all systems functionality and possible technical recommendations as well as the creation of a manual with recommendations and step-by-step guidance on how to plan, prepare and carry out procurement repetitive purchasing systems, and manage the execution of the respective contracts.


Internal use only

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