Web-based investment portfolio

Web-based investment portfolio

for Media2Day




About the client

Media2Day PUBLISHING SA (www.media2day.gr) is a media publishing company specializing in online content vortals for the following sectors: a) finance, b) health and well-being, c) lifestyle and entertainment. Media2Day also publishes a weekly financial newspaper and a series of corporate (third party) magazines in similar sectors. It has been declared 2 times in a row as the best Greek financial site in the relevant tender of the Athens Stock Exchange. The audience of Media2Day’s primary financial vortal, www.Euro2day.gr, the leading Greek site for the economy, the stock market, and the international markets, exceeds 1.500.000 unique visitors per month.

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Investment Signals Engine, Data management module, Pilot design.

About the deliverable

Media2Day as part of an R&D project contract awarded by the Greek Secretariat of Research and Technology to develop a next-generation web-based investment portfolio monitoring and management system (named ASPENDYS) has commissioned HYPERTECH to deliver: the user and business requirements related to the envisioned pilot demonstrator of the system, the overall ASPENDYS system architecture design and its integration plan, the software module implementing machine learning-based algorithms for generating investment signals, and the implementation of the related demonstrator.



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