Local Energy Management Framework

Local Energy Management Framework



Hypertech, ATOS Spain, ICL, COBRA, Suite5, Energie Gussing, EEE (Europaisches Zentrum fur Erneuerbare Energie Gussing), Merit Consulting House, Xorotexniki, University of Newcastle, University of Peloponnese, Etra Investigacion y Desarrollo, ENERCOOP (Cooperativa Electrica Benefica San Franscisco de Asis Sociedad Cooperativa Valenciana)

Client/funding authority

DG INEA (Directorate-General for Innovation and Networks Executive Agency)

About the client/funding authority

DG INEA is the successor of the Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-T EA), which was created by the European Commission in 2006 to manage the technical and financial implementation of its TEN-T program.

project image


An Integrated Modular Local Energy Management Framework for the Holistic Operational Optimisation of Local Energy Systems in presence of high shares of variable distributed RES (Renewable Energy Sources).

About the deliverable

MERLON develops an optimization platform that integrates a wide range of flexible resources in the frame of a local energy community and transforms it into a local energy island that is interconnected to the electrical grid but can be energy-neutral at the same time. The integrated local energy management system supports distribution grid management and provision of balancing and ancillary services to the upstream network.



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