Website and Progressive Web Application

Website and Progressive Web Application

for EFSA


European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

About the client

EFSA is the agency of the European Union that provides independent scientific advice and communicates on existing and emerging risks associated with the food chain.


Design, development, hosting and maintenance of the website and mobile application for the ONE – Health, Environment, Society – Conference 2022

About the deliverable

Hypertech was tasked to provide with an intricate and hybrid platform that could cover the needs of the ONE 2022 Conference. The platform needed to provide to participants – speakers and audience alike – the ability to feel included irrespective of their location or device capabilities.

In order to provide a seamless experience to the end-user our team created a Progressive Web Application (PWA) in Drupal 9, making sure that a responsive design and an intuitive and interactive user interface was implemented. That way all participants to the conference could experience exactly the same behaviour, whether logging in:

  • through a laptop,
  • a mobile browser or
  • the app itself.

Further emphasising on merging physical and digital user experience, the following networking features were incorporated:

  • Session live-streaming through Vimeo
  • The ability for remote speakers to participate live in each session
  • Each session provided through the digital platform, interactive capabilities for all audience members physical and online alike:
    • a dedicated Chat channel to raise questions, post comments, reply to other user’s question etc.
    • a dedicated Polls channel to place a vote and view the results
  • Meet the session contributors after each session, that participants could digitally meet the speakers of each session, know each other and discuss on specific topics of interest

To cater for the different levels of participation an elaborate user registration scheme was created covering 3 different flows depending on the role of the user:

Each role was able to complete the registration process by filling-in different levels of information and by uploading the relevant documents (bio, photo, poster files and so on so forth).

After the deadline of the registrations phase, the Organising Committee was responsible for screening and selecting the physical attendees while the rest of the participants were invited to participate online. All users have been informed automatically about their participation type through email, after the screening by the Organising Committee.

During the registration phase and the event itself, detailed user statistics were available to the Organising Committee specifically through a Microsoft flow in PowerBI.

The application provided multiple levels of information for all users. A dynamic Agenda of the Conference and a Separate agenda for Satellite & Side Events. Dedicated pages to showcase Poster Abstracts, Poster Gallery, poster videos as well as the Programme Affiliates profiles.

Overall, the application merged the physical and digital world to support the ONE-conference EFSA hybrid conference. Speakers and participants alike could walk into an auditorium via the venue or through their smartphone, tablet or pc and experience the same features, irrespective of their location.

project image

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